Change & Challenges

Gina Brown

As realtors, Steve and I are always working with families in the midst of change and challenges. Sometimes these changes are exciting, sometimes they are scary. They almost always include stress, worry and uncertainty. But regardless of the nature of the challenge, these changes lead to new opportunities for growth and progress. I recently listened to a devotional by Elder Anthony B Perkins, entitled, Nevertheless, I Went Forth. He described some of the challenges he faced while living and working in China. 

"While vacationing in Utah from our home in Beijing, we visited the Church History Museum to view the Churchwide art competition. I was transfixed by a painting of Nephi lashed to the mast of a ship, soaked to the skin in a driving storm, and absolutely exhausted.”

 At that time I felt I could relate to Nephi—I was bearing the burden of establishing my firm’s position in China, striving to be a good father to six young children, and magnifying my Church calling. I felt pretty overwhelmed. I wondered whether we should remain in China as we had been directed by the Spirit to do.

 But in the painting I also observed that at Nephi’s side were his wife and one of his children. She was experiencing the same storm and challenges as Nephi, but her eyes were defiant and her strong arms were protectively wrapped around his shoulders. In that moment I realized that I too was blessed to have a loyal spouse offering her strength in my times of trial. And I hoped that I was a similar strength to her when she felt lashed to a mast raising six kids in the storm of a foreign land. Together we recommitted to our decision of living in China.

 Since that museum visit I have spent time looking for Nephi’s wife amidst the opening pages of the Book of Mormon. My studies have caused me to ponder their courtship and life together.

 What did she see in Nephi? He wrote that he was “large in stature.” Does that imply she was enthralled by Thor-like ripped abs? I believe it was his spiritual strength that drew her heart to him. When Nephi came to the home of Ishmael, she observed a powerful missionary. On the trip to Lehi’s camp she heard him raise his voice in faith and forgive his attackers.

 What did Nephi see in her? At Ishmael’s home he was likely impressed by this young woman whose heart was softened by the word of God. On the journey out of Jerusalem he observed a woman unwilling to rebel and prepared to move forward in faith, and we might assume she was the courageous daughter of Ishmael who pleaded with Nephi’s brothers to not harm him. 

 I am confident that Nephi’s wife strengthened his resolve to do the many hard things the Lord commanded him to do. . I testify that in our day, a virtuous man and a worthy woman, sealed for time and all eternity in the temple, can likewise do difficult things as equal partners."

I love the analogy Brother Perkins shared. We all go through times when we feel as if we are lashed to a ship in the driving rain, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and beyond our strength. But, whether married, or single, our lives are blessed when we are able to draw on the strength of a trusted friend, family member, or spouse. Sometimes it is very difficult to open up, to reach out and to ask for the emotional or physical support that we need. As I frequently tell my very patient and understanding husband, when I am the least lovable, that is when I need love the most. However, as we turn to the Lord and allow those around us to help, we can find the courage to move forward, knowing we are not alone in our struggles.

Our experience in this wonderful community over the past 15 years has led us to believe that there are truly angels among us -compassionate, generous, humble brothers and sisters who willingly reach out to "bear one another's burdens." These examples of love and selflessness are such an inspiration for our family. We love each of you and are so very grateful for the strength and support that we feel here. May the Lord continue to strengthen each of us and knit our hearts together in love as we all press forward, doing our own little part to strengthen the Kingdom in our sweet and blessed little corner of the world.


Divinity of Women


I Know That My Redeemer Lives