Ward Announcements
Hello 43rd Ward!
Sunday Program:
What’s Happening This Week?
MISSION PREP - Sunday February 16, 2025: Mission Prep is today from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at the Enloe’s house.
YOUNG WOMEN - No Tuesday Activity, Youth Night at Mutual Dell, Friday February 21st 5-11pm
YOUNG MEN - No Tuesday Activity, Youth Night at Mutual Dell, Friday February 21st 5-11pm
MINI GIRLS CAMP - JUNE 16TH - 17TH - specifically for 12-13 year olds that are not old enough to attend the combined youth summer camp. BUT all Young Women are welcome!! Please putl it on your calendar and join us for a great time!
ZOOM LINK FOR SACRAMENT MEETING - If you are unable to attend sacrament meeting, this is the Zoom Link to attend virtually.
Zoom Meeting ID: 933 2355 1490 - Zoom Meeting Passcode: 337887
Ward Calendar:
WARD CALENDAR: To view upcoming key dates and events for our 43rd Ward and Highland Stake, please see our Ward & Stake Calendar.
Youth Camp Dates:
JUNE 4TH - 7TH - Combined youth summer camp in Moab for Teachers, Priests and Young Woman 14 and older.
JUNE 16TH - 17TH - Mini Girls Camp - specifically for 12-13 year olds that are not old enough to attend the combined youth summer camp. BUT all Young Women are welcome!!
JULY 23RD - 26TH - Deacons camp in Flaming Gorge
JUNE 16TH - 17TH - Young Women ages 12-13 camp
Highland Stake:
MISSIONARY CLASS - ThursdayS, Feb 13th, 20th, 27th. Missionary class about service opportunities for anyone 26 years old and up. At the Stake Center in the RS room from 8:30-9:30 pm.
STAKE CONFERENCE - March 1st & 2nd
Saturday Leadership meeting 4:30-6pm at the Stake Center
Saturday Adult Session 7-8:30pm at the Stake Center
Sunday General Session 10am-12pm at Alpine Tabernacle
RELIEF SOCIETY WORLDWIDE DEVOTIONAL - March 16 at 5:45 pm at Melissa Adam’s home.
STAKE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM - Held every Thursday night at the Stake Center 7-9 pm in the East rooms of the stake center.
Quick Links:
HIGHLAND STAKE YOUTH WEBSITE: To register for seminary and youth camps CLICK HERE
TEMPLE APPOINTMENTS: To make a session appointment at the Temple CLICK HERE.
HIGHLAND 43RD WARD PROGRAM: Please visit highland43.org
GENERAL CONFERENCE: Watch October 2024 General Conference Conference: HERE.
GOSPEL TOPICS ESSAYS: Essays the church has produced regarding complicated and difficult parts of church history and doctrine. READ HERE.
FREE CHURCH MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: For directions to set up your free church magazine subscriptions, follow this LINK.
FULL TIME WARD MISSIONARY ELDERS: Contact info: Cell: (385) 269-1916 email: 277296546@missionary.org
To schedule a meeting with a member of the Bishopric, text or email Troy Gagon (862) 235-5561 or Jackson Enloe (801) 885-1059 jackson.enloe@gmail.com
To add to the weekly ward email, calendar or website, contact Emily McMullin by Saturday each week, announcements received after Saturday will be added the following week: (480) 286-8609 emililymcmullin@gmail.com