
43rd Ward Missionaries


Elder Josh Gonzalez

Mexico, Puebla South

Email: joshua.gonzalez@missionary.org

Sister Camilla Bradshaw

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Email: camilla.bradshaw@missionary.org

Elder Michael Taylor

California, Riverside Mission

Email: michael.p.taylor@missionary.org

Elder Rees Berrett

Chile Santiago South

Email: rees.berrett@missionary.org

Elder Camden Enloe

Oregon, Salem

Email: camden.enloe@missionary.org

Elder Spencer Boyer

Sapporo, Japan

Email: spencer.boyer@missionary.org

Sister Blakeslie Taylor

Minnesota, Minneapolis

Email: blakeslie.taylor@missionary.org

Elder Matthew Simmonds

Utah Orem Mission

Email: matthew.simmonds@missionary.org


Elder Sam Hodgkinson

California, San Diego

Email: samuel.hodgkinson@missionary.org



YM and YW that can drive can call missionaries directly (with bishop approval) and go on exchanges. YW do not need to speak Spanish to go on splits with Spanish Speaking Sisters. For contact info for the full-time missionaries, check in your LDS Tools app. You can reach the full-time missionaries at (801) 940-8747.

Ward Mission Leader Message:

Dear 43rd ward members.  It’s great to be alive!  Going along with the church’s LOVE SHARE INVITE. We have organized our ward's mission area.

For our ward we have created 3 zones:  

Zone 1: View Point, Gary and Ann Gardner 
Zone 2: Spruces, Sister Colleen Hodgkinson 
Zone 3: Manor and below, Brother Jed Robinson 

We cover our whole ward working specifically with
- Elders Quorum (Bro Cameron White)
- Relief Society (Sister Emily Card)
- Young Women: Ellie Gagon
- Young Men: August Sunderlage.
We have 5 digital missionaries. 

We belong to the Orem Mission. Assigned to our ward are two outstanding Elders


Love to you all, Brother Gardner

Ward Missionary Fund: As a new ward one of the items we have not focused on is our general Ward Missionary fund. We would like to begin building this fund for future use by the Ward for Missionaries who may need assistance & Missionary programs. If you would like to donate the general Ward’s Missionary Fund please do the following:

Online donation slip:
1. In the Ward Missionary section of the online form, select “Ward Missionary”.
2. Enter your donation amount.
3. Click “Next Step” to confirm and submit your donation.

Paper donation slip:
1. On the paper , enter you donation on the “Ward missionary” row.
2. Deliver your donation to Bishop or one of his counselors.

Orem Utah Mission

The Lord has asked us to sweep the Earth with a flood, and that flood is social media! The Utah Orem Mission has developed two facebook pages to further His work. The first page, The Road to Hope and Peace posts daily uplifting content that is non denominational. It provides a simple digital means to share the gospel with anyone. If you're concerned about not knowing how to use social media, there is no need to fear. The Utah Orem Missionaries page explains HOW to share the gospel online and provides engaging challenges to inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone. You, the members, are our GREATEST resource in furthering the gospel here.

We need your help! Please “like” each of these pages and engage with both pages so you can get more involved in the work! They are reachable by the links below:


“But remember, the Lord has never required expert, flawless missionary efforts. Instead, “the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind”…The important thing is that you don’t give up; keep trying to get it right. You will eventually become better, happier, and more authentic. Talking with others about your faith will become normal and natural. In fact, the gospel will be such an essential, precious part of your lives that it would feel unnatural not to talk about it with others. That may not happen immediately—it is a lifelong effort. But it will happen.”

— Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Missionary Work: Sharing What’s In Your Heart