I Know That My Redeemer Lives

This time of year is dear to me and one of my favorites as we have the opportunity to listen to the words of a living prophet and apostles. It is also the time we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior and celebrate Easter. It was during this time that Christ redeemed us all and made it possible for each us to return and live with Him again.

I have always loved the hymn “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”, but this past year has given new meaning to this hymn as I lost my baby boy Hayes. It has been the most difficult and darkest time of my life, and a hole that I have never been able to close on my own. After leaving the hospital with out my baby, broken and hurting I arrived home feeling loved and taken care of by so many through notes, calls, meals, and gifts. One gift in particular came with a palm leaf with the following line from that Hymn, “He lives to calm my troubled heart.” It brought me such peace and calmness in ways I never expected.

Elder Henry B Eyring said the following, “The Savior knows and loves you. He knows your name as you know His. He knows your troubles. He has experienced them.”

I am so grateful for a Savior who lives and who knows My Name and My Needs, and sends his ministering angles to comfort us. In Isaiah 49:16 it says “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands,” and I know that through the resurrection and the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior I will get to return to Him again, and will get to hold my baby in my arms once more.

No matter how insignificant you may feel at times the Savior does know us by name and is always looking for ways to help and bless our lives. May we each look for ways to help those around us that may be hurting or are in need of assistance just as the Savior would want us to do.

Jackie Hollingsworth
Viewpoint Neighborhood
Activity Days Leader

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