Learning to Hear Him

Colleen Hodgkinson

Dear Sisters,

We have been talking in our family and working on listening to the Holy Ghost and how that is different for every person. Trying to #HearHim is a life long process for me, I feel that sometimes I second guess what I’m hearing and I don’t want to intrude on others.
“the Comforter knoweth all things, and beareth record of the Father and of the Son” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:17).

I know that it is important to continue to share/bare testimony of our experiences to build testimony and to learn what our Heavenly Father is wanting us to do or to know. This is a constant learning experience for me personally. I have been trying to take time daily to listen.

We had a recent learning experience where my son Will (middle “Favorite”son) had an experience where he had the opportunity to go to a fun activity or stay home and work on his talk for church on Sunday. He heard the spirit speak to him that he should stay home and continue to work on his talk, but he rationalized that he could finish his talk after the activity. So after a few hours at his activity he had an accident and broke a bone in his hand. He immediately felt bad about his hand and then realized after the fact he hadn’t listened to the Holy Ghost. We have discussed this many times since the accident. Sometimes our failure to listen is a good teacher.

It is a hard to always recognize the spirit speaking to us, but I feel that the more we share our experiences and act on the promptings we are given our ability will increase. I’m so grateful for the blessing to have the Holy Ghost in my life and pray that we all may #HearHim in our lives. I know that President Nelson has asked us to #HearHim for many reasons. I hope that you also have personal experiences with this as well.

Colleen Hodgkinson
Spruces Neighborhood
Sunday School Teacher

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