Wait a Little Longer

Krystal Miller

After greeting the forth grade class I was subbing, one little boy raised his hand and asked, "are you good at being patient? Because patience is needed to teach our class!" His honesty not only made me laugh, but really consider his question... am I good at being patient?

- When Hyrum was seeking revelation from the Lord he was told "wait a little longer" (D&C 11:16).
- When Joseph was wanting to obtain the plates for the first time he was told "the time...had not yet arrived" (testimony of Joseph Smith)

These examples show me that often patience and preparation go hand in hand. Patience is more then simply waiting, but an opportunity to reline our will with Gods and realize that Gods timing sometimes include a time period where we are given an opportunity to prepare.

Before I met Max, I was so frustrated with dating in Provo. Honestly it was the worst. However, after some much needed time on my knees, I received the prompting to be patient and prepare so I would be ready for that blessing when it came. I felt the happiness I was seeking the second I switched my focus to preparation instead of frustration.

I know that God is highly aware of the trials we may be going through or the blessings we may be seeking. He is constantly thinking of us, being patient with us, and is willing to help us too become patient.

- Krystal Miller
View Point Neighborhood


Gaining Perspective


Learning to Hear Him