We Can Have a Profound Effect on Those We Serve

Julie Proudfoot

Dear Sisters,

Hello from hot and sunny Benin. We feel really blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to serve as mission leaders in the Benin, Cotonou mission. Life is busy, complicated, but rewarding and miraculous all at the same time! We are seeing the Lord’s hand in all that we do. Our missionaries are bold and courageous as they teach and testify of the truthfulness of the gospel. We recently received nearly 40 new or returning missionaries in the field and are excited to see the growth of the church in Africa.
Recently I was reminded of how « by small and simple things great things are brought to pass! » Alma37:6

We recently went up to visit a newly formed group about 6 hours north of the city and spent the weekend with the few members there. This was the very first time they had had a church leader visit the area. We didn’t really have to do much , just spend a little time with them. yet they were strengthened in their faith by the short visit we had.Their joy was obvious from their beautiful reception for us, the skit the children had prepared for us about the Joseph Smith Story. We continue to hear from them just how important it was to them that we took the time to visit and strengthen them.

As sisters we can have a profound effect on those we serve. As we are taught in the scriptures we should be anxiously engaged in doing good. You never know how much you can bless a life by doing a very small thing!

Sister Julie Proudfoot

View Pointe Neighborhood *Currently serving as Mission Presidents in Benin, Africa


Learning to Hear Him


Miracles, Signs, and Wonders