Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

Emily-Jane Dyer

Hi Sisters!

 I hope the New Year has gotten off to a great start for all of you! 

 First of all, I’m really excited to be studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year for Come Follow Me. One of my favorite scriptures from the D&C is: 

 Doctrine and Covenants 35:88 

For I am God, and mine arm is not shortened; and I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all those who believe on my name.

 I’ve recently had to go to the Lord with some very time-sensitive and possibly life-changing decisions. I was in need of a miracle. After a few days of lots of prayer and studying, I felt an immense wave of peace and clarity come with the decision I should make. It was amazing and wonderful and all I kept thinking about is why I hadn’t taken more, smaller and even trivial-seeming decisions to the Lord throughout my life? I might have been able to come to the decision myself, but that peace and surety that accompanied it would have been missing. I realized that our Heavenly Father is so anxious to help and guide us, but we, ourselves, are most often the obstacle to that peace and guidance. I hope that all of you sisters along with me can commit to more fully using the great gifts that our Heavenly Father is waiting to give us. I know that we will see miracles, signs, and wonders in our lives as we believe on His name.

Emily-Jane Dyer

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