The Dawning of a New Day

Ann Gardner

As the New Year is upon us, we hope for the Dawning of a New Day. There are many things that we cannot change, but there are things we can change. In Matt 22:37 39 we read: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Neighbor as thyself.” We are to love as Christ loved and loves us; it is the kind of love that will set us apart as followers of Christ.

I recently read a story about a Jewish rabbi that sat enjoying the sunrise with two of his friends. The rabbi asked one of the men, “How do you know when the night is over and a new day has begun?” The friend replied, “When you look into the east and can distinguish a sheep from a goat, then you know the night is over and the day has begun.” The second man was asked the same question and he replied, “When you can look into the distance and distinguish an olive tree from a fig tree, then you know the darkness of the night is past and a new morning has come.” The two friends then asked the rabbi how he could tell when the night was over and the day had begun. His reply was, “When you can look into the east and see the face of a woman and you can say, ‘She is my sister.’ And when you can look into the east and see the face of a man and can say, ‘He is my brother.’ Then you know the light of a new day has come.”

The dawning of a new day begins with kindness and respect for the stranger, those who are struggling, and those who do not think or believe as we do. It comes when we can call everyone our Brother and Sister, and achieve that most distinguishing characteristic of the Savior – LOVE for all.

How blessed we are to live with such wonderful Sisters who share the same love as the Savior. May this year bring out that kind of love that sets us apart as followers of Christ!

Ann Gardner

View Pointe, Park Circle
Sunday School Teacher




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