
LaRae Hales

I have been trying to follow the counsel from President Nelson's talk on revelation April 2018.

"In the coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." "I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation."

He gave us the pattern to follow:

  • Increase purity

  • Have exact obedience

  • Seek earnestly

  • Daily feast on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon

  • Do temple and family history work

  • Pray in the name of Jesus Christ

  • Then listen

  • Write thoughts that come

  • Follow with actions

  • You will grow into the principles of revelation

Improving my prayers has been one of my goals for a long time. A few years ago our Sunday School teacher gave a lesson on prayer. He shared with us his wife's pattern for morning prayer. She would roll from the bed to her knees to begin the day with prayer. That is a great way to start the day. I do that and I don't have to think during the day did I pray this morning.

Some things I am learning about prayer. In prayer we speak to the Lord and He speaks to us. Prayer changes our lives. Prayer gives us strength and guidance. We should seek guidance of the spirit before prayer. Be more thankful to the Lord for blessings. Express more joy. "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire" Hymn 145

I hope I can continue learning and improving my prayers. An excellent talk on prayer. "Improving Our Prayers" Joseph B. Wirthlin January 21, 2003

LaRae Hales

Manor Neighborhood
Ward Organist

Thumbnail Image: Angels Among Us by Annie Henrie Nader


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The Dawning of a New Day