Feelings of Gratitude

Kerry Bradshaw

Hello Sisters! 

I can’t help but feel grateful lately. Even during these crazy times, I often find myself feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. I am grateful for my health and for the crisp fall air. I am grateful to be together with all of our children each Sunday for church and dinner. 

Even though we really wanted our son to have the traditional MTC experience, the Home MTC surprisingly turned out to be a neat experience for our whole family. It was somewhat of a miracle to watch Caleb prepare for a mission and experience the MTC. We attended the temple a couple of weeks ago with him just a week before he flew out to his mission. I am grateful for the temple and the peaceful feeling that is there. We were blessed to have family join us.  

I am grateful for my job and feel like it is a blessing to be able to be an influence for good in the lives of my junior high students.  

I am grateful for President Nelson and am looking forward to General Conference. 

Even though I feel overwhelmed at times and feel a bit discouraged about the events of 2020, I am reminded that Heavenly Father is in control and knows our hearts, our sadness, and our joys. I am thankful for Him. I pray that we can all feel that peace that comes from knowing that He is in charge. 

Kerry Bradshaw
Viewpoint Neighborhood
Relief Society 1st Councilor


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