Digital\Paper Ensigns

Pam Enloe


In college, my roommates and I would find ourselves in frequent conversations talking about our moms. It was endearing and relatable to hear all the funny things our moms did or didn't do, what they would wear, say or worry about. These same former roommates and I continue to swap mom stories. We've recently discussed how each of our moms saved EVERY SINGLE Ensign issue they've received. I'm guessing this isn't an uncommon practice among lots of women in the church. Despite all the publications being available online, having the hard copy is the way these moms like it!  

This conversation took my thoughts to thinking about the escalation of technology in the last several years. Church manuals, magazines, Come Follow Me, General Conference videos, music, are so easily accessible on our devices. Looking at how family history work has evolved is incredible. I know I'm not sharing any new information here but I had a moment the other day where I felt immense gratitude for the blessings of the tools and resources we have to grow our knowledge and understanding of gospel truths. I'm really looking forward to General Conference in a few weeks. More than ever, I'm anxious to hear the words of the Prophet and Apostles. While not perfect, they act as watchmen on the tower to help guide, comfort, warn and help us navigate the road ahead. 

My hope is we all can take some time, in our own way, to prepare for this next conference. Pondering on questions we are seeking answers to, or perhaps, just praying for an open heart to hear the message that our Heavenly Father has for you personally. 

Looking forward to meeting with you sisters soon!

Pam Enloe
Snowflake Dr.
Relief Society President 


Feelings of Gratitude