Love from God

Jana Rasband

Hello! I’m Jana Rasband. I just wanted to introduce myself. We have lived in Highland for 11 years. We have 4 children. Tanner is on a mission in the Brazil Santos mission, Sammi just started at BYU this year, Tate is 16 and is a sophomore at Lone Peak and Lily is 13 and goes to Timberline. We love where we live and feel grateful to be here.

This past week I had the opportunity to go to Hawaii. I booked the trip when my daughter was gradating from high school and I didn’t quite know how I was going to deal with another child moving out. Because of the time change I woke up early every day and watched the sunrise from our room. As I watched the sun come up it brought brightness and warmth to our room. It made me think of the Love that Heavenly Father has for me and for all of us. He is always there for us. He loved us so much that he sent his perfect son to redeem all mankind. His life and examples of love continue to teach me the love He has for all of His children. I love this quote from Elder Uchtdorf,

“ God is real, He lives, He loves you, He knows you, He knows the silent pleadings of your heart, He has NOT abandoned you. He will not forsake you.”

He knows and loves each of us. He knows of our trials and our worries. He is always there.

By: Jana Rasband
Neighborhood: View Pointe 
Calling: Young Women Specialist 

