
Jessica Berrett

"For it is in the giving we receive" --  Saint Francis of Assisi

(A bit about Saint Francis of Assisi... He was raised with money, but gave his wealth away and instead chose to serve and spend time with those in poverty and illness. He was known to serve people with leprosy. He greatly loved and valued animals, and it was said that he spoke their language. Because of his love of nature, he is now known as the patron saint of ecology.)

The last few years have been harder on me emotionally than I was expecting. As an introvert, staying at home with my family for an extended amount of time is something I really enjoy! But there are other aspects of politics and pandemics that have definitely taken a toll on my mental health.

While I am nowhere near St Francis levels of service, I am grateful to have opportunities to serve others close to home, as well as around the world. Research has found many examples of how doing good, in big or small ways, not only feels good, but also does us good. Volunteering has been clinically shown to decrease loneliness, improve mood, increase longevity, decrease chronic pain, lower blood pressure, and promote positive behavior in youth. Service also helps us feel a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. I am a person who doesn't always enjoy meeting and spending time new people (stressful!!); however, serving others has helped expand my comfort zones and has led me to new friendships and connections that I never would have had otherwise. And when it comes to money, studies show that spending it on others increases our happiness more than spending it on ourselves. On a recent vacation, I was able to spend money in ways that helped communities in need. It was a win-win situation that benefited us both, and it was great for my soul.

Finding ways to serve can be a never-ending challenge - there is so much need. The trick is to not get overwhelmed! Start where you are. We can change ourselves and the world, a little at a time.

By: Jessica Berrett
Neighborhood: Manor Circle
Calling: Primary Teacher, Relief Society Assistant Service Coordinator

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Love from God


Message Of Hope