You are Full of Great!

Hi Sisters!

I’m so glad that Pam asked me to write in your newsletter this week, because it gives me a chance to introduce myself and put what I’ve been most recently thinking into words.

I’m Karen Smart.  I live in the 13th ward, and I’ve been serving as Stake Relief Society President since March of last year.  My husband and I have 4 grown children, 1 son in law and a 5 month old grandson named Leo.  We have lived in Highland for almost 21 years and love it here living amongst so many wonderful people!

My thoughts recently have been leaning towards the importance of gratitude.  I remember a time when my youngest daughter was about 2 or 3 and we were snuggling while I rocked her.  While I stroked her hair, I said, “ you are so beautiful.  That means you are full of beauty.”  A few moments later I told her, “You are so wonderful.  That means you are full of wonder.”  After a minute of thought,  she says to me, “Mom, you are so grateful.  That means you are full of great!” 

I’ve always treasured that experience, and think that she spoke truthfully because in my experiences in life, every great person that I’ve known has been full of gratitude.  

James Faust said “A grateful heart is the beginning of greatness.”

We are told often in the Book of Mormon to remember.  So many of those times, the Lord is reminding us to think about and be grateful for what He has done for us.  In my life, sometimes when I feel my heart is getting hard, or I want to feel the spirit, I make mental lists of the times I’ve known the Lord has had a hand in my life, or the life of one of my loved ones.  My mood is almost always softened and my love for the Lord is increased.  

One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 37:37 because I think it is a recipe for a happy life:  Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if you do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

Sisters, these are the last days and if you feel you need to be lifted up, see if having a heart full of gratitude will help!  

Love and prayers to all of you for all the good you are trying to do!

Karen Smart

Highland Stake Relief Society President


The Importance of Prayer


The Antidote to Anxiety