The Antidote to Anxiety

Sommer Schwarz

Welcome to March!

I am excited to watch the weather slowly start to change and winter coming to an end. I hope everyone is doing well and wanted to say how fun it was to see most of you at the cinnamon roll drive by. Below is a article from that I read the other night and it touched me very strongly. I thought I would share it with you all and hopefully spread how heavenly father loves and help us in hard times. This past year has been hard and filled me with more anxieties than I have been used to before. I have had my mind run away from me with scary thoughts and my heart racing with ideas of fear & stress. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast and my chest hurting from anxiety. So when I saw this headline I knew I personally needed to read it. It was very insightful for me to read at this time. Heavenly father is here to help us with any problems we may face. I hope you all enjoy it.

The Antidote to Anxiety by Elena Aburto

Love, Sommer Schwarz
Relief Society Secretary

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You are Full of Great!


Gaining Perspective