Allow God Be the Most Important Influence in Your Life

Wendy Sunderlage

I am grateful for the opportunity to write a message to you beautiful sisters! I love General Conference and our Prophet President Nelson. I am thankful for his message that we should “embrace the future with faith during turbulent times as opportunities to thrive spiritually and choosing to let God prevail in our lives.”

I think of our missionaries and how their work has been greatly impacted by Covid-19 and how their work continues, but in different amazing ways through the use of technology. I love that the missionary program wasn’t put on hold but that it changed with faith and perseverance.

During the ‪Sunday morning session‬ of the conference, President Nelson taught about the gathering of Israel and how that is related to our willingness to let God be the most important influence in our lives.

I am grateful for his invitation that, 

“As you study your scriptures during the next six months, I encourage you to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. ... Ponder these promises. Talk about them with your family and friends. Then live and watch for these promises to be fulfilled in your own life.”

During each patriarchal blessings my children have received the patriarch always speaks of the Abrahamic covenant and about those promises. There must be something prophetic in this challenge. 

I am happy that we will be able to meet together more often. I have missed the unity and strength that we feel just being together. I hope you all have a wonderful week! 

Sister Wendy Sunderlage
View Pointe neighborhood
Young Women Class Adviser & Camp Director 


Growth, Progression, and Learning as Members in His Church


Let God Prevail (Especially in the Small Things)