Seeking the Light

Pam Enloe

"There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God's light is real. It is available to all. It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn."

- Elder Uchtdorf, The Hope of Gods Light, 2013 General Conference 

I came across this quote this week from Elder Uchtdorf and was so grateful for the timely encounter. 

Darkness encroaching? Burdened by worry, fear or doubt?  Nailed it— I’m feeling so much of these emotions daily as the contention and discord on social media, dire news on the TV, and daily life challenges seem unescapable.  

I taught a Primary class a few weeks ago and we talked about how light is everywhere and to experience darkness you would have to block the light. This little object lesson has helped me reflect on the simple concept of how to allow more light into my life and receive the real and healing power of God's light, as Elder Uchdorf beautifully reminded us.  I’d like to share a few sources/references I’ve found as I’ve sought out the subject of light. I found the Podcast particularly insightful and has moved me to take action to clear out any debris that may be blocking out the light I seek. I hope you take the chance to do your own study on how you can more fully experience God’s light in your life. 

Pam Enloe
Snowflake Neighborhood
Relief Society


Quote from C. Terry Warner, The Bonds That Make Us Free (pg 137)
** This is an incredible book, would highly recommend.

“...what we need is not more light—not any additional understanding of right and wrong. Light is abundantly available. We have access to plenty of outside help. What we need is to receive the light straightforwardly and to respond as we feel directed.” 


D&C 50:24-25

24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

25 And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you;


Elder Bednar's 3 part series: Patterns of Light 
** A short 7 minute video with beautiful insights from Elder Bednar.


ALL IN PODCAST (June 2, 2021): Aaron Franklin, engineer, chemist, and a professor at Duke University.
** This podcast episode is super interesting about the physical and spiritual elements of light.


Message Of Hope


The Lord Looketh on the Heart