Take Upon you the Name of Christ

Mandy-Marie Eldredge

We recently celebrated our 30th Anniversary by flying our plane to the Bahamas. Our driver from the airport to the resort was JJ. As we got into the car, we noticed a Bible in the front seat. Steve asked him about it. He then engaged in a conversation about how good God is and how much he loves Jesus.We asked him if there was a church on the island that we could come to on Sunday. Come to find out, he is the pastor of the Church of God of Prophecy! We arranged for him to pick us up on Sunday.

I am sorry to say that this is the first time in my life that I have had the experience I am about to share. The reason is because for years and years I believed that attending another church would somehow be disloyal; or worse, I might decide I like it better! And, I believed that if I exposed my children to another church service, they might choose it!! And so I have attended very few services of other faiths.

The service we attended on June 6 left me with a deep appreciation for truth and for how good people the world over love Jesus Christ. There were two sections to the service--Sunday School where we were taught the pattern of being intercessors for others in our prayers to Heavenly Father (think of Abraham who prayed in behalf of any who were righteous in Sodom...) and then a Worship Service. The Worship Service lasted 90 minutes and we heard Christ's name hundreds of times--no exaggeration! We heard His name more in that 90 minutes than I have heard in probably 5 years of attending our church. It was stunning. And it was beautiful. To some it may have seemed like vain repetition. To me, I felt and saw Bahamian people who love their Savior and who are unafraid to speak his name in praise and joy. It was beautiful.

This all reminds me of the prayer we hear each week, "...that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son..." It is a reminder to not be quiet in the expression of my love for the Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of what it really means to...

"Take upon you the name of Christ..." (D&C 18:21-25)

It matters!
Mandy-Marie Eldredge
Primary Presidency
Spruce Neighborhood


Heavenly Father is Cheering You On!


Joy in the Journey