Miracles In Our Midst

Jennifer Styler

Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostle stated in our April 2021 conference that many of you have witnessed miracles, more than you realize. Miracles are wrought by divine power by Him who is “mighty to save.”14 Miracles are extensions of God’s eternal plan; miracles are a lifeline from heaven to earth.  “Have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God?”4 the prophet Mormon asks in the Book of Mormon. He answers, “Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men.”5

Conference weekend was different for me this year.  I listened to it as I sat with my dear friend Debbie, in an ICU room at Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California. My friend’s husband Steve had Covid and was in a coma on a ventilator next to us.  Debbie wanted her husband to listen to conference with her. She knew that he may not hear it, but she felt like it would bring the spirit into the room.  The words spoken that day were in themselves like a lifeline from heaven to earth.  As we sat and listened to the speakers I couldn’t help thinking it was  a miracle that the San Diego Temple was just minutes away from the hospital. It provided us a place to go and feel Gods presence. We were able to draw on the spiritual power of the temple from the outside. As days, weeks, and months went by , we saw Gods hands working through Steve’s doctors and nurses.  Some days were good and others bad, but every night my friend and I would look for tender mercies by counting each positive thing that had happened that day.  Free housing was gifted, generous donations given, prayers offered, and outstanding medical care in place.   Elder Rasband was right, there were miracles going on all around us.   Some were so small we almost missed them, and others took our breath away.  After a three long months and two hospitals later Steve recovered enough to return home to Alaska. Many told Steve he was lucky to be alive, but he tells them, with a knowing soft tender look in his eyes, that he is not lucky, but blessed to be alive.  Steve is a patriarch in his Stake in Palmer, Alaska.  As of last week he was well enough to serve in that capacity again.  We feel that Steve’s recovery is a miracle extended from the Lords hands.  I was grateful to be able to support Debbie during this time and listen to conference in a different way in April. It strengthened my testimony as I felt the power of Elder Rasband’s message at work. 

Jennifer Styler
View Pointe Neighborhood
Primary Teacher


Joy in the Journey


Learning to Make Lemonade